What is an Email Box ?
Your received e-mails are stored in your mailbox. When you download a mail to a mail client, it is downloaded directly from your mailbox. A mailbox has to be connected to at least one mail address, so mails can be sent to it. It's even possible that you assign more than one address to one mailbox.
How can I manage my Email Box ?
If you want to manage your e-mail boxes, log into your control panel. Click [Web Hosting] and then [Email Boxes]. In this view, all your mailboxes are listed. You can create, delete and edit mailboxes here.
Don't forget to assign a mail address to a mailbox so you can actually receive e-mails!
How can I set/change the password ?
You can reset the password for a mailbox, edit the size of mailboxes, and if its available in your hosting product, enable anti-virus or spam protection for your mailboxes.
The password can also be set directly in the webmail under [settings] → [password]
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