In order to link the domain with your website, you first have to upload your website with all files and folders onto our web server. We have provided a guide for this.
After uploading all the files, navigate to [Web Hosting] → [Subdomains] in the Control Panel. Then find the button [Edit] (pen icon) on the right-hand side next to the subdomain (www by default). With the option [Show webspace content] and a click into the text field "Path", you can select or enter the directory where the files are located. Then use the button [SAVE]. Please note that only data that is within the /html/ folder on your webspace can be published.
You can also create more subdomains on this page by using the [+ Add new subdomain] button below the heading Subdomains. If you have multiple domains, you also have to select the domain for which you want to create a subdomain from the dropdown. Afterwards you can [Edit] this new subdomain again. This way you can run multiple websites with different subdomains. You can create separate directories on your web space for each website and configure the corresponding subdomain as described above.
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