You can set up redirection in the Easyname Control Panel under [Domains] by selecting "Subdomains" to the right of your domain.
You should now see a listing of your subdomains. If not, click + Add new subdomain and create the desired subdomain first.
Right next to your subdomain, click on the "Edit icon".
Now you can find the two options "forwarding (normal)" and "hidden forwarding (frame)"
A normal redirect is technically a web server function that silently redirects the old address (URL) to a new one. Thus, the address bar in your browser changes to the destination address.
If permanent redirect is desired, you can enable it by clicking on "Permanent". In contrast to a normal forwarding, the web browser "remembers" the new URL, which makes the forwarding permanent. This is also referred to as a 301 redirect (= HTTP code 301).
A hidden redirect can be used if you do not want the destination URL to be visible in the address bar of the browser. If you select this type of redirect, the URL you entered remains in the address bar of the browser even though the web page content of the destination address is displayed.
In order to realize this, a mini HTML page is created automatically, which displays the desired website in a special frame. The web server is configured to automatically load this frame when you set up a hidden redirect. Since all interactions in this frame or "mini web page" play, the actual URL remains in the browser.
Under "Frame Title", you can specify any page title, such as "Frame Favicon" to add a small logo / image, which is then displayed in the address bar of the browser to the left of the URL.
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