If you want to connect your domain to Google or GSuite, we recommend the following method:
In order to use GSuite with your own domain, you must first validate that you own the domain so that no one else tries to use your domain for your Google services without your permission.
To do this, a so-called TXT entry for your domain must first be set via the easyname Control Panel.
You will receive this TXT entry in the Google Admin console after you have logged in there with your Google administrator account .
To do this, click on [Confirm domain] → [Start confirmation] → [Select domain registrar or provider] → [Other] on the Google-Admin console homepage.
In the [Create a new TXT entry] section , please copy the contents of the Value / Answer / Destination field. This is this so-called TXT confirmation entry.
You have to create this TXT entry, which you received from Google, inside your easyname control panel under [Domains] → [DNS] .
After the entry has been saved, it may take up to 72 hours for it to take effect. However, this often happens much faster.
To successfully complete the domain confirmation, go back to the Google setup wizard and click on [Confirm] → [Next] .
So that the GSuite mail services can now be used via your domain, so-called MX entries must now be set in the easyname Control Panel, just like the TXT entry previously.
You can find the required MX record values here.
You can then also create these MX entries, which you have received from Google, in your easyname Control Panel under [Domains] → [DNS] .
After the entries have been saved, it can take up to 24 hours for them to take effect. Experience has shown that this happens also quite fast.
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